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Join the San Francisco Bay Area NTMA on April 27th, for an update on legal, Cal OSHA and HR updates from industry experts.

About the Speakers

Stephen B. Maule practices in all areas of labor and employment law, including employment discrimination claims under Title VII, the ADA, ADEA, FLSA, FMLA, and the Missouri Human Rights Act. He advises clients in regard to personnel policies, daily human resource issues, employment contracts, severance agreements, and employee handbooks. When necessary, he defends clients in federal and state courts and administrative agencies across the country.

Joseph A. Goldstein is a member of The Goldstein Law Firm. Mr. Goldstein practices in the areas of labor and employment law and represents employers in Wage and Hour Class Action and Private Attorney General Act lawsuits, as well as lawsuits alleging discrimination, harassment, and other related employment causes of action. Through the Los Angeles County Bar Association, Delegation to the California Conference of Bar Associations, Mr. Goldstein has authored four statutes that have been passed by the California Legislature and signed by the Governor into law.

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